Being responsible for a property, whether that’s a commercial property, a HMO or as a buy-to-let landlord with a small portfolio is a huge undertaking.
Here at Wizfix we totally understand the demands of property maintenance and the responsibility that comes with it. We truly appreciate that keeping on top of your appliance, gas, heating and boiler servicing, maintenance and repair is yet another thing that you have to handle. It’s worse still when something goes wrong in the middle of a busy day or during the night.
Working throughout London and surrounding areas, we like to think of ourselves as a landlord or property manager’s go-to! We offer business to business rates, we work closely with our partners to ensure complete satisfaction and we make it easy to keep on top of essential checks with handy services such as a yearly gas safe inspection reminder.
A resident engineer, on call when you need us – planned, or unplanned
Managing a building - or multiple buildings – can be a complex thing and you’ll have numerous deadlines and legal requirements to manage. From regular carbon monoxide testing to boiler servicing carried out by a Gas Safe engineer.
Working with Wiz Fix is not just convenient. Our experienced, knowledgeable team can also give you peace of mind. We’ll keep track of all important dates and send you reminders when key maintenance or servicing needs carrying out. We’re only a phone call away and have a 24 hours a day emergency service so we’re right there should the worst happen.
We also offer you total peace of mind in that you know the company dealing with your boiler or plant room is also your resident engineer – familiar with your systems, your building and its needs.
Want to find out more about working with Wiz Fix heating for your entire landlord or facilities management needs when it comes to plumbing and heating?
Call us now to find out how we can help.